Jan 12, 2004: [»article]
Hollywood bible Variety
weighs in with its review.
Jan 12, 2004: [»article]
Utusan Malaysia reports
on The Big Durian's historic selection for the Sundance Film Festival.
November 6, 2003: [»article]
"Underground": An article by John Krich
in the Far Eastern
Economic Review on Malaysian independent cinema leads off by discussing
The Big Durian.
November 5, 2003: [»article]
University of Hawaii campus paper Ka Leo O Hawaii highly recommends
The Big Durian as a "one film that you do not want
to miss at this year's HIFF." Read the review at
the Kaleo.org
site, or click on the 'article' if the external link has expired.
October 12, 2003: [»article]
Mingguan Malaysia carries a review
Saifullizan Tahir, titled "The Big Durian Filem Malaysia".
Click on the 'article' link above if the Mingguan Malaysia link has
July 10, 2003: [»article]
The June print edition of Siasah
magazine carries a review by Abror Rivai. You can also click here
for the article hosted on Siasah's official site.
June 25, 2003: [»article]
The Big Durian is cited by Teng Qian Xi in Singaporean newspaper Today,
in a commentary on freedom of expression and creativity. Click here
for the online article on the ChannelNewsAsia website, or go here
if that link has expired.
June 22, 2003: [»article]
The Cubit Manja column in Mingguan Malaysia carries
a report about The Big Durian.
June 2, 2003: [»article]
publishes a review
by Kam Raslan.
May 22, 2003: [»article]
"A Prickly Affair", cover story by Brian
Yap about The Big Durian in the May 22-June 3 issue of KLue
May 11, 2003: [»article]
Review found on the FilmsAsia website rates it 6
out of 10. Click on the article link above or go directly to the webpage.
May 5, 2003: [»article]
Amir wrote a little feature on the movie which was published in
Singaporean pop culture mag BigO.
April 26, 2003: [»article]
reports on The Big Durian's premiere.
April 18, 2003: [»article]
runs a preview on the premiere hosted by Malaysiakini. ("The
Big Durian bakal menyajikan satu bentuk genre baru, bilamana garis
pemisah antara dokumentari dan fiksi menjadi tipis.")
January 27, 2003: [»article]
The Big Durian was featured in The
